Serpents WTS principals use a microphone.
Serpents WTS principals speak with a forked tongue.
Serpents WTS principals wiggle around a lot on teachings and practices.
when i lived farther up country..i had a car load of dub ladys come to the ranch..i told them they supported an organization that would kill everyone but jw`s.thats what i was taught when i was a kid..they said "no",that decision will be made at armageddon..??
?..i figuered "theocratic warefare stratagey"..they were lying to me!.....i talked to my mom a few years later and made the same comment..she said "no,that decision will be made at armageddon.??
?.this is the person that taught that doctrine to me.i just rolled my eyes.more "theocratic warefare stratagey".that woman woud lie in a heart beat for the wbt$.....yesterday the subject came up on a thread and hillary_step said the comment is true.....hillary and i have been friends for years,he totally blew me away..i could`nt believe what i was reading..he said the change had been made in the "90`s" now i have some questions for those who are more up to date on this subject than i..hillary_step,if your kick`n around please chime in.......#1:when did the wbt$ decied to quit preaching only the jw`s would get into the new system?..#2if you no longer need to be a jw to get into the new system,why bother?..#3:dieing at armageddon because your not a jw,was a gun to your head to join the jw`s.what do they use now?.....this isn`t the same religion i walked away from decades ago..this,the un scandel,the generation change,blood factions now acceptable..the wbt$ is morphing before our eyes and jw`s dont see!
Serpents WTS principals use a microphone.
Serpents WTS principals speak with a forked tongue.
Serpents WTS principals wiggle around a lot on teachings and practices.
talk about "food at the proper time"!!
i was just perusing this forum and stumbled across a post by abandoned called "the joy of sect".
it's a simpson's episode where homer joins a cult.
I'm truly surprised no one here has mentioned "Steppford Wives"
Everytime they ring that bell to remind their robotic wives to take their meds, it makes me think of "time for a meeting/study/field service."
It's all about control, just like the WTS.
i simply asked a friend of mine to explain to me deut 20:20-22 and he wrote this:.
"its really quite simple what i think about deut.18:20-22. i don't.
the hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of christ's death.
If parts of the bible can be so summarily dismissed, why print out the whole bible at all? Why not print out for use only the parts that are critical for our use? Who decides what is of no importance in the bible? Who decided what was of importance to be used in the Holy Scriptures when they were first put together? Earthling man?
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
Very insightful rambling, Narkissos. Add to that mixture the push to educate and equip minors re: STD's, etc. and it makes for a mess.
Those death penalty advocates are pushing right now for the death penalty in the case of repeat SO's. Also, there's an old law on the books that they're trying to begin using called "Civil Commitment." It is a judicial hearing at the time of s pending zSO parole, conducted by a committee that decides whether the individual parolee will be a repeat offender and they can have them committed indefinitely for all their lives.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
I understand how you feel, or at least what's on this page. My sisters will not leave their kids alone with their dad, my stepdad. For many years, I felt it was my fault. Even my mom still blames me, to this day. A week before I left Missouri, she threw it up in my face- AGAIN!! She truly believes that it was my fault that it happened. She also believes it's MY fault that she's had a horrible life. THAT I don't buy into.
Being a JW, absolves her of having to take ANY responsibility in finding her own happiness. Or, that's what she thinks. I've got so much to say on this topic, it's running like wild in my head, but I can't get it out.
It's not your fault, Shelley. Never was. Like someone else posted, when there's an appearance of normalcy throughout the rest of one's environment, it is natural for one to think they're at fault for what's happened.
Your Mom will probably leave this planet with her misconceptions. You don't have to make them yours. ((((Shelley)))))
my grandmother passed away the other night.
it was expected; she's been sick in/out of the hospital for a while now.
most of us are more relieved than anything else because she has been so miserable these last six months or longer.
Well of course my JW family had to bully their way into having my brother give the memorial service. The majority of the family is not witnesses. They all believe my Grandma went to heaven with my Grandfather.
Sandy, I'm so sorry for your loss, chere. Have you told the majority members of the family what the bully's talk will consist of? They might recant their resolution to allow the bullies to run the show. Just a thought.
so i was talking to my wife's cousin and she was talkin about how she saw something in the news about sex offenders in her area.
she didn't know how to find them.
so i pull up the megan's law website for her state and give her the addresses of 4 sex offenders in her area.
DAY-um!!! I hope she gets the flock outta there pronto!
just say the truth.
don't embellish.
just give the facts to people.....for example, tell people that jws don't think it's wrong to actually lie if they believe that telling the truth to a person could hurt them.
For example, tell people that JWs don't think it's wrong to actually lie IF THEY believe that telling the truth to a person could hurt THEM. In this case it is called "theocratic war strategy" and the one who is not telling the truth about a matter can do this because the inquirer is one who is not "entitled" to know. And the Witnesses view is justified by using Bible examples of other faithful men who spoke untruth to a person because that one was not entitled to know the truth.
As in hurt the JW's or WTS, Mini? That would make sense. They'll lie to cover the WTS and JW collective butt and think nothing of it. If anything they're approached with smacks of bring "reproach," they'll wiggle like little snakes to get around it.
i've been kind of sad the past few days for several reasons, but, there are certain songs that just cause the tears to flow whenever i hear them (and especially alone).
only time by enya.
i know that this song is often linked to the sept 11 attacks, but it really is just so hauntingly beautiful.
The One by Elton John
so...for all on here who know, it's every young witnesses hope one day to visit bethel (esp if you live on the west coast like me), so when i went to visit my friend on the east coast a few years ago, her family took me to see bethel (i was an active witness, mind you).
all my life, it seems like i would hear everyone talk about how great bethel is and "you have to visit there-it's amazing", but i visited brooklyn bethel and patterson and walkhill.
every time i talked about my vacation to nyc to various people, the highlight i would mention to them was that i got to see conan o'brien live!!!